Saturday, November 6, 2010


[ English version ]

This saturday, I'll show you an app who use the iPhone's camera (who's really bad - agree with that) in the useful way !

Panoramatic is an app that will allow you to make really beautiful panoramas without being a  Photoshop-pro or a photographer...

So, panoramatic is available on the AppStore for the little price of $1,59. You can also download it on the website for free!

Little presentation :

Panoramatic is not only an app to make beautiful panoramas, it's also an app to organize & share your best pictures on the "Panoramatic World".

Others options in this app are really simple & intuitive and you'll be able to do a panorama in less than 2minutes.

[ French version ]

En ce samedi, je vais vous présenter une application qui rendra l'appareil photo (de relativement mauvaise qualité - soyons d'accord) de votre iPhone un rien plus utile !

Panoramatic, une application qui vous permettra de faire de très beaux panoramas sans être un pro de la retouche photo ou un pro de la photographie...

Donc, panoramatic est disponible sur l'AppStore au petit prix de $1,59.
Egalement disponible pour les jailbreakés sur gratuitement.

Petite présentation de l'application :

Panoramatic n'est pas seulement une application pour faire des photos mais c'est également une app vous permettant d'organiser et de partager vos plus beaux clichés via le Panoramatic World.

Les options sont assez simples et intuitives dans le menu pour faire des paysages panoramiques :


  1. J’ai bien envie de tester cette appli ! Merci!

  2. Ah, if only I could understand..
    Maybe you could post an english translation?

  3. Awesome, I'm gonna have to check that out

  4. grâce incroyable. i beaucoup aimé

  5. yeah the english translation is coming !

  6. Ah nice of you to do an english translation!

  7. Nice with english version.

    Going to check that app out

  8. Looks like a decent little app, thanks.

  9. Cool looking app. I'll recommend it to a friend who has an iPhone.

  10. Pretty cool. I don't know much about ipod apps in general

  11. Thats cool! I've seen a few like that for the computer but not for the iphone!

  12. Awesome :p now if only I owned an iphone lol

  13. That's really neat looking. People are imaging landscapes and I don't even have a camera D:

  14. This would be a cool app for my iPhone. You're right, though, the Camera does suck lol.
    Other phones have cameras that take 720p Video...

  15. Cool app! Thanks for reviewing it.

  16. Looks like a sweet app. I would prefer to try and shoop the panorama myself, but for $1.5 thats not too bad.

  17. Hey buddy do me a favor, kindly click a link under Sponsor Link. I will do the same with you, thanks!!! Looking forward for this... happy blogging as well as more earning.

  18. thats super cool i have always looked for an app taht does this

  19. I wonder if something like this is available for blackberry haha

  20. you wwent form english to french hope is the same thing or else I am getting only half your posts xD

  21. yeah it's the same in english & in french.

  22. Good review, is nice to have more info about iPhone, I don't know very much about it... and I guess I should.

  23. now i need an iphone :(

  24. Nice app, but I don't have an iPhone
