Monday, November 8, 2010

Weather HD

[ English version ]

Weather HD is as it's name, a weather app. It lets you see real time weather in any city of the world and it combines HD animation. This application also provide forecasts on the weather of the next 7 days. It can be display day by day or hour by hour... I clearly don't belive in that...

This application is selled at $0,99

I think this app is only usefull to talk about weather. "How will be tomorrow" ? "How does the sun is shining where you are" ? Now with this app, you're able to answer all these questions !
And feel free to lost your time behind the amazing HD animation of the rain...!

[ French version ]

Weather HD est une application de prévision météorologique par ville. Elle vous permet de voir en temps réel le temps qu'il fait dans n'importe quelle ville au monde et y associe une animation HD du temps qu'il est censé faire... L'application permet également de donner des prévisions sur le temps qu'il fera dans les 7 jours qui suivent et ce jour par jour, heure par heure.

Une application au prix de 0,79€.

Ne me semble utile que pour alimenter une conversation sur la pluie et le beau temps. Si vous avez de l'argent à perdre, jettez vous dessus ;) ! Si votre iPhone est jailbreak, amusez vous à regarder la pluie en HD tomber dans votre téléphone !

Enfin voilà, l'application inutile du moment ;) !


  1. Cool app, a very reasonable price too!

  2. that's quite a great app. might get myself to use it.

  3. wow, spiffy looking app!

  4. misleading title for the app but cool anyway

  5. Very useful. Much better than the weather app I have now.

  6. That looks really helpful; i'd buy it if i had an iphone.

  7. my friend has this, its pretty good

  8. nice, that gives me something to think about

  9. I'm going to go download this now actually. thanks for the recommendation, I've never had more than the default weather app.

  10. definitely better than the default weather ap.

  11. good stuff, i wish i had the iphone 4 though, i only have the 3gs so no HD

  12. I feel like there are free ones that are just as good.

  13. I've been looking for something like this!

  14. The apps look great. cool blog, you got a new follower.

  15. It´s a cool apps, and also it´s kinda cheap, so two thumbs up!

  16. Looks better than the default weather app.
    Gotta check it out.
